Best 2021 Resources for Learning about AI/ML

For upskilling on AI/ML, I prefer taking a top-down approach i.e. starting with high level concepts then proceeding to more foundational topics (read: delve more into the theory) . I liked taking the breadth-first approach (rather than a depth-first approach) to initially understand AI/ML. Once I had a solid foundation, I easily pivoted to learning a specific topic, like masked regional CNNs, for building expertise through real-world experience. 

I took multiple courses and read several authors at the same time. You want to find the right sources of information for you and there are so many options out there, so explore. Sometimes I need to read or watch something a few times from different folks before it just clicks. This ultimately accelerated my learning of concepts. Completion of courses should not be the ultimate goal as some courses cover trivial topics and others go too deep into other topics. 

Theory vs Practice

It was critical that I pair my theory learnings with practical implementation, e.g. short coding exercises that implement the algorithm from scratch or small projects that use the algorithm’s prediction. I think Jeremy Howard’s free courses on fastai have demonstrated that this approach works really well. It is much more engaging to train your first ML model before delving into the theory behind it so that I could ask questions that are meaningful to me. This led to focused learning and promoted better retainment/recall. 

Paid vs Free

There is so much free AI/ML content that it seems silly to pay it. However, if you want targeted learning and you are short on time to design your own curriculum then you should consider paid courses. However, all are not made equal and there are plenty of low-cost options (<$100) for AI/ML.

Beginner vs Advanced Starters

We are all starting from different places of knowledge and experience, but trying to get to one place of common understanding of AI/ML concepts. Everyone can take distinct paths to get there. For example, my approach to learning AI/ML is perhaps best suited to folks who share my non-Computer Science but Engineering-based background. Alternatively, complete newcomers to AI/ML may need to cover more math concepts before delving into some foundational topics. As such, there are different resources depending on from where you start and whether you have casual Interest vs deep interest. 

AI/ML Courses:

AI/ML books:


  • Data Skeptic has short episodes that cover various ML concepts
  • Machine Learning Guide (free) -Great introductory audio course for those of us on the go
  • TWIML AI – Formally This Week in ML & AI is hosted by Sam Charrington who asks really strong questions to the latest and greatest AI/ML researchers.
  • Practical AI – aims to make AI accessible to everyone

Extra Data Science Topics to Cover

You should start learning breadth-first to gain a more general understanding of the meaning and purpose of Data Science as well as all things AI/ML. Then, you can enhance your knowledge of other topics related to working with data such as:

  • Databases
  • SQL
  • Dashboarding in Tableau, Spotfire, Qlik or Power BI
  • Ethics of AI/ML – 
    • Check out University of Helsinki’s online course on AI Ethics (free)
    • Invisible Women: Exposing data bias in a world designed for men by Caroline Criado Perez
    • Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O’Neil – Interesting read about how Data Science perpetuates cultural and other kinds of biases
  • DevOps/MLOps
  • Spark- Apache Spark has Java, Scala, Python and R APIs for processing and analyzing big data
  • Cloud Computing – AWS is the most popular cloud provider but there is also Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure.
  • Shell Scripting – Resource

To become truly competent at AI/ML, you will need to allocate >100 hours. You cannot become an expert in 2 weeks and even after you have mastered the basics behind developing classification/regression and clustering algorithms, you will need to learn how to handle data in the wild before deploying your models effectively. In short, you will always have more to learn so think of Data Science as a large, hairy topic on your lifelong learner journey. Check out our article on Staying Up-To-Date on AI/ML for some help with your journey.

Random Tidbits

Reaktor is an online education company that partnered with University of Helsinki to create the awesome Elements of AI course. They have other cool courses like Starting Up geared towards creating new entrepreneurs. Check out more courses outside of AI here.See How to Learn Machine Learning, The Self-Starter Way for more resources!

Best 2021 Resources for Learning about AI/ML

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