data science

Unveiling the Future of Code Generative AI

Picture this: generating web or phone apps is no longer a daunting task – you can simply describe your desired functionality in plain English and watch as lines of high-quality code are generated before your eyes. The ability to understand, learn and create code using cutting-edge code Generative AI (GenAI) tools has far-reaching implications, such […]

Integrating Both Python & R into Data Science Workflows

These days, I highly prefer coding in Python as compared to other languages that I previously used like Matlab or R. However, I have always wondered when data science teams should use one programming language over another for certain tasks. If all team members know R and Python equally well and need to train a […]

Software Engineering as a Data Scientist

Many of us in Data Science come from math, biology, chemistry or engineering or other non-Computer Science backgrounds, which may mean that we don’t have much experience writing and maintaining large code bases. Recently, I found myself getting frustrated with the structure of some of my code and searching for a better way to structure […]

Using Decorators in Python

In Python, decorators allow Data Scientists to extend and modify callables,  such as functions, methods and classes, without explicitly changing the callable. Using decorators can improve the readability of your code as well code flexibility and modularity. In this article, we’ll discuss why we would use decorators, how to implement decorators and give a few […]

Best 2021 Resources for Learning about AI/ML

For upskilling on AI/ML, I prefer taking a top-down approach i.e. starting with high level concepts then proceeding to more foundational topics (read: delve more into the theory) . I liked taking the breadth-first approach (rather than a depth-first approach) to initially understand AI/ML. Once I had a solid foundation, I easily pivoted to learning […]

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